> The other thing that is current sub-optimal is the division of long uploads
> vs short uploads. I've attempted to ensure that normal webpages are
> downloaded as fast as possible with the burst parameter but if someone is
> downloading a large file from my website all other web users suffer. I've
> got to do some more reading but my current plan involves the iptable
> connection tracking.
> I'm not sure if iptables does this already but if I can match and tag a
> packet based on the time of the connection I can still allow new
> connections to get priority of long lived downloads. This may involve
> writting a new kernel module as a netfilter extension but it would be the

Hi I was already planing it ;) To add netfilter match to STATUS module
which would allow --conn-traffic from:to to select only connection whose
transfered bytes value is in given range.
Then you can have different classes for long and short downloads ..

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