Hi :)

Tobias Geiger wrote:
> Hi,
> recently Martin explained, how to avoid these "tc filter" lines in our
> scripts.
> unfortunatly it doesn't work with my setup.
> i add a "dummy" tc filter - line:
> tc filter add dev imq1 parent 10:0 protocol ip prio 1 handle 1 fw classid 10:10
> which of course works, but i have no fwmark "1", but as i thought it's
> just a "dummy" -line for tc filter to work, i gues/think that's ok.
> further i just set marks with iptables, and generate the right
> qdiscs/classes for them:
>   ack=0x00100010 # for classid 10:10
>  high=0x00100011 #           10:11
>  norm=0x00100012 # and so
>   low=0x00100013 # on

I guess the problem are the encoded id's, in my opinion they have to be 
calculated like this:

(classid << 16) + leafid
So 10:10 would translate to 655370 decimal or 0xa000a hex.


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