> > Everytime when ceil is computed then cburst is used and vice versa ..
> I will try to answer to myself:
>           ---------
>           |       |
>           |       |
>    --------       ---------------------
> Say you have a burst like this. When transmiting all the available
> bandwitdh is used by the burst.
> At the next oportunity, htb will ask himself:
> its my turn, how long must be this burst ?
> If the computed bandwidth used by this class is over "rate" (but less than
> "ceil", the length will be "cburst". Else it will be "burst").
> Is it this ??

Please don't be impatient !
I didn't respond to your mail instantly and you sent me it again.

I don't think so. The burst values are used by htb to answer
question "is the class over rate" and "is the class over ceil".
The rate and ceil estimator is coupled by pairs rate/burst and
ceil/cburst. It is by definition of leaky bucket.

So that by raising burst you higher probability that next question
whether the class is under its rate will be answered "yes".


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