> >
> >So, the " --set-mark 0x10020" trick is not working in this case ??
> >

Yes, it is the conclusion. With "tc filter" the packets go to the desired
queue, Devik's trick doesn't work in this case :-)

On Wed, 29 May 2002, Patrick McHardy wrote:

> Julián Muñoz wrote:
> >I am marking incoming packets this way:
> >
> >iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -i eth0 -j IMQ
> >iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle --protocol tcp --destination 443 \
> >     -j MARK --set-mark 0x10020
> >
> >
> >On the IMQ device I have a htb queue.
> >
> >But all the traffic is put in the *default* htb queue, and not in the good
> >one, it seems like the mark is lost ?
> >
> marks are definitely not lost, i'm classifying based on netfilter marks
> (and fw classifier) and nothing
> gets lost there ...
> >
> >
> >I am using a pretty similar configuration on transmite the output queue of
> >eth0, and it is working perfectly.
> >
> >I have try :
> >  - change the marks, in order to not have interferences of the ones done
> >    by iptables in the transmit queue.
> >
> hmm there shouldn't be any interferences, marks for imq usually done in
> PREROUTING, marks for egress in
> >
> >  - put -i eth0, or -i imq0 in the iptable who marks the packet.
> >
> -i imq0 will never match. packets never come in through the imq device,
> they only pass the attached qdisc.
> >
> >So, the " --set-mark 0x10020" trick is not working in this case ??
> >
> i have not tried it myself this way, but imq is doing nothing that would
> prevent it.
> maybe devik has an answer for us (i never tried nf_mark for
> classification, is it supposed to work this way ?)
> bye
> patrick


    _ \<_

Saludos de Julián

Foro Wireless Madrid

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