> That is an answer to question about shaping - it is ingress shaping. (I
> know - egress in fact, but ingress in practice)


> Anyway: I tried this
> both for imq0 and ppp0:
> -------------
> 1:1  rate 70k
> 1:10 rate 35k ceil 70k prio 0
> 1:11 rate 35k ceil 70k prio 1
> -------------
> Copy of my config file is now here:
> http://josh876.republika.pl/rc.htb.txt

and what is your total real packet rate ? Measured by bwm for example ?
I think that your problem is relatively simple:

You have hundreds of TCP connections open. When HTB tries to reserve
place for non donkey connection it drops some incoming packets but
AFTER they are already in your side of link.
It is the problem you know: we use trick with limiting BW to some smalled
value to assure that there is no queue at other side of modem.
But for 100 connections when you drop several packets, then 100 new
will arrive immediately. And they will wait at ISP side of link.
The "lower shape rate trick" can't work with too many TCP connections
because ISP side of link will always be sometimes congested.

This could (and should) be solved by some shaper at ISP side ... but
it is not simple to do, am I right ?

I hope you understand it and I also know that I have bad news for you.
You can try to use ip route command to change MSS for all donkey
connections to small value - say 150 bytes. It could help you a bit
as there will be lower probability that arived packets will make
ISP's queue full.

regards, devik

> This is very very similar to the sample from HTB Manual - chapter 6.
> I just have found something very interesting and strange about this MLMonkey and 
>iptables "-j DROP".
> Read my next post on that group which I will name "Stronger than iptables" in 
>subject - and maybe this will be key for this case!
> And last but not least:
> My modem, it is called "Home Internet Solution" - HiS from Erricson. For linux it is 
>a simple hardware modem. It simulates dailing and it is controlled by pppd.
> This is full-duplex 115kbit/s connection to Internet with static IP and, again, 
>basing on my tests it is a little bit faster tha 11,2kB/s in both directions. I did 
>set it down to 70kbit becouse these are still tests. When that configuration from my 
>rc.htb file will work I am going to increase the values.
> In you my only hope! Thanks for help!
> >You set it on imq. But how did you set the IMQ ? IIRC the Patrick's
> >IMQ is able to shape both direction and I don't know which one
> >do you shape.
> >Also you set 1:10 to 70k and 1:20 to 10k So that you allow
> >to utilize link at 80k. It is bad becaue 1:1 is set to 70.
> >Is your connection (it uses some special modem ? or uses
> >it compression ?) full duplex ? Or half duplex like
> >33k analog modems ?
> >I'd suggest this setup (imq0):
> >1:1  rate 70k ceil 70k
> >1:10 rate 60k ceil 70k prio 0
> >1:11 rate 10k ceil 50k prio 1
> >
> >Then add the same (ahother HTB) to ppp0 ! So that you
> >will shape also ACKs in other direstion.
> >
> >Note smaller ceil for 1:11 - I guess your line has not stable
> >bandwidth so that this is attempt to keep it in reasonable bounds.
> >If this will work, then it is time to start playing with better
> >values ...
> >devik
> >
> >On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, josh wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> why do you say it is set in both directions?
> >> I dont think there is reason for doing that...
> >> Anyway even if this is set for both directions it souldn't be any problem.
> >>
> >> About connection itself: it is very common in Poland. It is something like DSL. 
>It is using phone lines, it is connected to computer through COM port and its maximum 
>speed is 115,200 (but only in theory, as I have written it is about 11,2kB/s)
> >>
> >> >you set both directions to use the same htb. Am I right ? Which
> >> >kind of line, 11kBbs .. what is it ??
> >> >
> >>
> >> >> hi there!
> >> >>
> >> >> For weeks I am trying to set my network in such a way:
> >> >>
> >> >> server (linux) is connected through ppp0 to internet. There is MLDonkey 
>running on that and it is also Internet default gateway for my LAN. I want as fast 
>access to the Internet as there would be no MLDonkey running - I mean:
> >> >>
> >> >> >> I want MLDonkey to be using ONLY IDLE BANDWIDTH <<
> >> >>
> >> >> After reading HTB manual I configured it in this way:
> >> >>
> >> >> ---------------------------
> >> >> tc qdisc add dev imq0 root handle 1: htb default 10
> >> >> tc class add dev imq0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 70kbit
> >> >>
> >> >> tc class add dev imq0 parent 1:1 classid 1:10 htb rate 70kbit prio 0
> >> >> tc class add dev imq0 parent 1:1 classid 1:11 htb rate 10kbit ceil 70kbit prio 
> >> >>
> >> >> tc filter add dev imq0 protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 u32 \
> >> >> match ip sport 4662 0xffff flowid 1:11
> >> >> tc filter add dev imq0 protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 u32 \
> >> >> match ip dport 4662 0xffff flowid 1:11
> >> >>
> >> >> ip link set imq0 up
> >> >> ---------------------------
> >> >>
> >> >> So I want MLdonkey to be using low-priority class, becouse I want have fast 
>connection when I am browsing WWW or doing anything else.
> >> >>
> >> >> Here you can see output of
> >> >> tc -s -d class show dev imq0
> >> >> when there is only MLDonkey running:
> >> >> ----------------------------------
> >> >> http://josh876.republika.pl/class.txt
> >> >> ----------------------------------
> >> >> Looking at class.txt it seems it should be working very well, but it is not!!! 
> >> >>
> >> >> Here you can see output of
> >> >> netstat -n
> >> >> ----------------------------------
> >> >> http://josh876.republika.pl/netstat.txt
> >> >> ----------------------------------
> >> >>
> >> >> It seems to be hard to fight with such an amount of opened connections (4662), 
>but it was not written anywhere that HTB would not be able to handle that...
> >> >>
> >> >> When I am browsing WWW it is almost as slow as there would be no HTB at all.
> >> >>
> >> >> Why is that??? What is wrong?
> >> >>
> >> >> -josh
> >> >>
> >> >> p.s.
> >> >> I set HTB to 70kbit, which is 8,75kB/s.
> >> >> My connection's maximum speed is about 11,2kB/s.
> >> >> (my tests)
> >> >>
> >> >> I did write that, becouse many of you would say that all this is becouse 
>queues are growing in my modem - which can not be true
> >>
> >>
> >

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