What version of HTB do you use ? Send me
tc -s -d class show dev xxx
outoput after test pic5 generation.

On Fri, 7 Jun 2002, King Yung Tong wrote:

> Thank you again for you help!
> Attach is the pic5 for the ceil equal to 100kbps for all line.
>             pic10limit for the ceil equal to 100kbps except 1:20.
> My objective is to show if not prio is set the excess should allocate
> according to rate. If the prio is set, the high prio should get more.
> On Fri, 7 Jun 2002, Martin Devera wrote:
> > > Thank you for you answer, 1:10 is incresed but 1:20 is also increased and
> > > increase to the specific rate if I add 100kbps to every line.
> >
> > sounds weird. With higher prio 1:10 should get 90k and 1:11 10k.
> >
> > > In my case, I would like to put all the extra to 1:10 only, is that means
> > > I have to give 1:11 ceil to 10kbps. If it is, is that means I don't need
> > > prio paramter? How prio parameter works?
> >
> > your understanding is ok, tge ceil 10k is correct - the prio is
> > meant for lowering delay and change in excess distribution is
> > only "secondary" product.
> >
> > Port the resulting graph somewhere so I can look at it.
> >
> > devik
> >
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