On Fri, 5 Jul 2002, Ard van Breemen wrote:

> Hi,
> http://lartc.org/HOWTO//cvs/2.4routing/html/lartc.rpdb.multiple-links.html
> I am not sure who wrote this part or what it was based upon, but
> since I am working a lot longer now with ip rules, I think I want
> to add some stuff:

The stuff that is in the HOWTO was designed and tested back in 1999.
Oh, and I am the author. :)

> The example 4.2.1 refers to the picture above, and does a plain
> ip rule add from .... table ....
> The problem with the exampe is that if you connect from the
> inside (local network) to your if1 ip or if2 ip, that in this
> example the replies to the local-network are going out if1 or
> if2... That is not what you want.

True. That is indeed a bug. Never saw it in actual practice though: you
*should*not* connect to the external IP addresses of your router from
the internal network... for various security reasons and such. But you are


Whoa, that was large. I'm not sure I entirely follow you though.
The *point* of the extra routing tables is that they take precedence
over the default routing tables...

Doei, Arthur.

  /\    / |      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      | Work like you don't need the money
 /__\  /  | A friend is someone with whom | Love like you have never been hurt
/    \/__ | you can dare to be yourself   | Dance like there's nobody watching

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