I'm building routers.  It's difficult to tell in advance which NIC will
be assigned eth0 and which will assigned eth1 when using two NICs.  Ping
testing usually clears up this simple problem.

The identification problem gets worse when adding a third NIC, after
sorting out the first two NICs.  Frequently the eth0 or eth1 assignments
for the first two NICs change.

Of course adding a fourth and fifth NIC multiplies the identification
problem.  Yes, some of my routers are supporting five network segments.

My question is, what's the algorithm for assigning Ethernet
designations?  I know it not placement order in the PCI bus, and I know
its not the NIC data-link address.

So what is it?

Thanks ...John
John Telford - Owner
JohnTelford.com LLC
503-292-6865 - fax:503-292-3094
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.johntelford.com

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