sfq MUST be leaf because it is classless.

On Mon, 8 Jul 2002, Joshua Snyder wrote:

> I have read most of the documents regarding both Htb and Sfq and I
> still am not sure if it is best to put the Sfq on the leaf Htb or to put
> it closer to the root class.  All of the docs for Htb say to put it on the
> leaf classes but the Sfq stuff says to put it closer to the root(but not
> on the root).  If my case every leaf class is only going to be one
> machine/user.  I want to have fairness between machines(I don't want one
> person to get all of the bandwidth).  I don't think putting Sfq on the
> leaf classes will get me this, but I haven't been able to find a place
> that says this for sure...
>                               josh
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