On Friday 06 September 2002 10:52, Sebastian Bleikamp wrote:
> Hi !
> Iīve been using the wonderful wondershaper from chapter 15.8 of the
> LARTC Howto for some time. Itīs really wonderful.
That's exactly why it's called the wondershaper :)

> Actually, I use the version from
> http://freshmeat.net/projects/wshaper/?topic_id=87
> Now I tried to put some hosts to low priority, and it doesnīt work. The
> traffic is splitted equally between the noprio and the other hosts.
> Is this because I use ip masquerading, and all the traffic seems (for
> the shaper) to come from one host ? The U32 filter and the other setup
> works correctly, because e.g. ssh traffic on port 23 always has highest
> priority.
> Has anybody an idea how to fix it ?
You can use an other filter : fw.  This filter can use the iptables/ipchains 
mark.  And you can put this mark when the packets enters the LAN NIC so you 
can use the ip-address of the incoming packets from your lan, mark this 
packets and use the mark on the internet NIC.

> I think a nice sketch about the order of routing/postrouting and traffic
> shaping would help me.
I have one on docum.org, but it needs some updates.  It's the one posted some 
months ago on this list.  You can find it under KPTD.



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