
perhaps the only way (although untested) may be to "ip link set
<interface> down" and to "rmmod <according-kernel-module>"
which is in my opinion impractible :)

much nicer and easier:
create a simple rule matching everything incoming/outgoing your desired
device and insert it in the PREROUTING/POSTROUTING chain. (or a custom
rule to which is jumped in INPUT and FORWARD / OUTPUT and FORWARD)


iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING  -i eth0 # for incoming
iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o eth0 # for outgoing

or if u prefer not to use the nat table


iptables -N eth0_out
iptables -N eth0_in
iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -j eth0_in
iptables -I FORWARD -i eth0 -j eth0_in
iptables -I FORWARD -o eth0 -j eth0_out
iptables -I INPUT -o eth0 -j eth0_out

with "iptables -t nat -L -vx" / "iptables -L -vx" u can read
bytes/packets and process this output in your script

hope that helps....


> HI List,
> How do i reset the values in /proc/net/dev ?
> This file holds values for count of each (packet && byte),
> (sent && received) through all interfaces.
> I'm using a monitor which reads values from this
> file and prints out some nicely formatted output.
> But i need to reset the values. ie. set then to zero.
> Restarting the network does not do what i want.
> I guess a reboot should do it.
> Any other way?
> --
> arc_of_descent
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