On Thursday, 12 September 2002, at 16:54:03 +0200,
Juan Antonio Morillas Cerezo wrote:

>               Yes, with iptables you can have more than one IP
>         address for each physical interface, both in "local" and
>         "external" places, then you have to add them as aliases with
>         ip, and do some NAT to connect each side, if there are private
>         IPs involved.
I would add the following. If what the original poster wants is to
somehow give a LAN with private IP addressing access to the Internet
using not a simple public IP address, but a pool of them, you easily
can. Just create an iptables rule with a SNAT target like this:

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING --out-interface $WAN_IF \
    --jump SNAT --to-source $START_PUB_IP-$END_PUB_IP

The only limitation I see with this approach is that IP addresses must
be contiguous, but I think this is a typical scenario, because our ISP
tend to give addresses in blocks :)

Hope this helps.

Jose Luis Domingo Lopez
Linux Registered User #189436     Debian Linux Woody (Linux 2.4.19-pre6aa1)
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