On Tuesday 24 September 2002 16:55, Rimas wrote:

Hi Rimas,

> I tried the "patch -p1 --dry-run ./htb3.6_2.4.17.diff" but nothing
> happened, no error message, nothing.
err, you forget < !

Look carefully to what I've posted :)

root@codeman:[/usr/src/linux-2.4.18-vanilla] # patch -p1 --dry-run < 
patching file net/sched/Config.in
patching file net/sched/Makefile
patching file net/sched/sch_htb.c
patching file include/linux/pkt_sched.h
patching file net/sched/sch_api.c

Kind regards
        Marc-Christian Petersen


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