I am trying to use netfilter (iptables) to mark packets bound for port
25 on the internal interface and then using iproute2 to route those
marked packets over the DSL.  Everything seems to work as intended
except that email traffic is going out over the internal ip (thru cable)
and not the DSL.  So it doesn't seem like the marking and routing that I
have setup is working right.

My scenario is:
1 Redhat 7.3 Linux machine (kernel 2.4.18-3)
1 network appliance
1 dsl router
1 cable modem

The linux machine has:
2 nics (1 static ip DSL, 2nd ip is internal goes through
network appliance via nat out cable modem)

I want all traffic coming in over DSL to go out over DSL and all traffic
coming in to the internal IP to go out the internal IP.  There are
actually other internal ip lan clients but they are separate from this
scenario.  The one caveat would be to have all outgoing smtp traffic go
over the DSL.  Sendmail runs on all interfaces.  I need all outbound
email to go out over DSL because some email servers
(earthlink/mindspring) are blocking mail servers coming from certain
cable modem ips.  The last caveat is that I want the default route of
traffic, or all originating traffic that is non smtp, to go out over the
cable modem to take advantage of the fast download speed of cable as
compared to the slower DSL.

Here is the script I am running out of rc.local at boot.  Can anyone
suggest changes to make it work?


# Internal nat'd to cable

ip route add $P1_NET dev $IF1 src $IP1 table DSL
ip route add default via $P1 table DSL
ip route add $P2_NET dev $IF2 src $IP2 table CABLE
ip route add default via $P2 table CABLE
ip route add $P1_NET dev $IF1 src $IP1
ip route add $P2_NET dev $IF2 src $IP2
ip route add default via $P2
ip route add default via $P1 dev $IF1 table MAIL.OUT
ip rule add fwmark 1 table MAIL.OUT prio 220
ip rule add from $IP1 table DSL prio 230
ip rule add from $IP2 table CABLE prio 240
ip route flush cache

# End of script

This is the iptables cmd I ran and is restored on reboot by iptables: 
iptables -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -t mangle -p tcp --dport 25 -j MARK
--set-mark 1

Here is the rt_tables file:
# reserved values
#255    local
#254    main
#253    default
#0      unspec

# local
#1      inr.ruhep
200 DSL

I appreciate any help or direction.  I have kind of merged two scripts

Do I need to enable ip forwarding or turn off the reverse path filer?

Grant Furick

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