On Sunday 27 October 2002 04:10, Robert Davidson wrote:
> When I was playing with wondershaper I ran into this too.
> After reviewing the docs I think that the wondershaper merely gives certain
> traffic more bandwidth, but does not prioritize it.  The CBQ qdisc does not
> appear to prioritize. If you reduce your uplink rate to less than your
> slowest transfer speed, you should get the results you expect.
> I am not sure what it would do for latency - during my testing with VoIP,
> the wondershaper put packets in the right queues, but could not prevent
> computer traffic from hogging the bandwidth.
> What would be ideal is a bandwidth limiting CBQ qdisc encapsulating a PRIO
> qdisc. I think that can only be obtained with an HBT qdisc (I would be
> delighted to be corrected!). 
It can be done, but I (stil) didn't tried it.  If you read the htb pages 
carefully, you can get very low delays.  To do so, you have to give the class 
a lower priority AND you have to be sure you never send more data in the 
class then it's rate.  (chapter 6 on the htb manual)

I am installing SuSE 8.1 so that I have kernel
> 2.4.19 which I hope will accept the HBT and tc patches (from
> <http://www.docum.org>'s pointer to HBT's home page) better than SuSE 7.3's
> 2.4.10.
Why upgrading your SUSE?  You can also download 2.4.19 from ftp.kernel.org and 
patch with the lates htb patch ??

> If anyone has sample scripts used for prioritizing VoIP traffic over a VPN
> (or over anything else), I would really appreciate a chance to see what was
> done. The only way I have been able to get good VoIP quality is by reducing
> the bandwidth available to everything else to unacceptably low levels.
I know a lot of people are trying it, but I have no such script.



 "Using Linux as bandwidth manager"
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