On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 11:11:04AM -0800, nitin panjwani wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have the following topology with four linux routers.
>   A----B-----C
>   |          |
>   +..E0(D)E1.+
> In this I want to send some traffic from interface E0
> of router D to interface E1 of same router via route
> ABC. How can I do this? 

In general you can't. The traffic generated on D, destined for
D never reaches the nic card. So, your statement above
"from interface E0" is irrelevant. The packets would go down
the IP stack to the loopback and come back up again.

What are A, B or C? If there is ability to do nat, you can
send packets to, eg, A and have A DNAT it to E1 and SNAT it
to A. Doing this and having the right routes on A, B and C
and of course D, you can do what you're asking.


> Any help on this will be highly appreciable.
> Thanks,
> Nitin
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