I have been playing with HTB for a couple of weeks on one of my testbed routers, and was astounded at how accurate it seemed to be (measuring with iperf).

So I rolled it out on two production machines, and now, Murphy's Law, those both seem to be throttling too much.

Same hardware, same kernel version, same iproute2 utils. I have pored over the output of tc -s "shows" and the only thing I can see different between the "highly accurate" machine and the two that are "overthrottled" is shown in the snippets below. I'm grasping at straws; does it matter that the rate is being reported differently by each invocation of tc?

The upload speed of the first runs 252, 258, 254, etc.; on the second 86, 150, 92, 78, etc.

I don't know how to debug this, and hope this isn't something obvious and stupid.

Thanks in advance for any help that might be forthcoming.


$ tc -s -d class show dev eth0
class htb 1:1 root rate 256Kbit ceil 256Kbit burst 1926b/8 mpu 0b cburst 1926b/8 mpu 0b level 7
Sent 18417658 bytes 132268 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0)
rate 2bps
lended: 0 borrowed: 0 giants: 0
tokens: 45375 ctokens: 45375

$ tc -s -d class show dev eth1
class htb 1:1 root rate 256Kbit ceil 256Kbit burst 1926b/8 mpu 0b cburst 1926b/8 mpu 0b level 7
Sent 6612505 bytes 10225 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0)
rate 6179bps 4pps
lended: 0 borrowed: 0 giants: 0
tokens: 45375 ctokens: 45375


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