On Mon, 30 Dec 2002 11:49:58 +0100, "Tornado"
> Hey there,
> Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, maybe not - but what exactly do you mean
> by
> "the ping from the server is always 300ms"?
> Is it the ICMP ping (generated by the 'ping' tool), or do you mean when
> you
> play Counter-Strike, and you look at the players tab, that shows you're
> lagged with 300ms?

by ping i meen the real ping program with icmp, i see that i could not
specify counterstrike to don't create confusion.

and the ideea is not to priorize the counter game, but only the ping used
by the counter game

so another question is, the counter strike game use udp/270015 only for
ping probing or also for game packets

> Have you tried to ping the counter-strike server direct from the shell
> using
> the 'ping' tool? If this results in very low ping replies, your tc setup
> is
> correctly set up.

this is what i try, beacouse i dont realy play the game, i generate
trafic to saturate the link, and ping from shell from an externat host


> The only thing you're missing now, is to prioritize counter-strike
> specific
> traffic. Usually the portnumbers used by Couter-Strike servers are 27015
> and
> some numbers up, so this is what you have to prioritize.
> An example (class id is from your first script, using htb) - this will
> put
> the packets leaving your $IF_EXT to port 27015, 27016 and 27017 to any
> hosts
> in the class 1:1:
> for cs_p in 27015 27016 27017; do
>   tc filter add dev $IF_EXT parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 10 u32 \
>      match ip dport $cs_p 0xffff flowid 1:1
> done
> You may need to modify the above example to fit your script.
> --
> Theepan
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