I dont see any collisions when make ifconfig, i feel the problem is in
forwarding the packets by the linux box inbetween the interfaces, it is here
that there is lot of packet loss,

Do you think it to be so

Thanks & Regards,
Vishal Gandhi

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lars Gaarden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: [LARTC] speed problem

> Vishal Gandhi Kommineni wrote:
> > Warm wishes for the new year 2003,
> > thanks for the reply, i found that there are collission when i use a hub
> > between,
> > How do i make sure that both the ethernet cards are running in half or
> > duplex mode,
> > how do i check if weathere an ethernet is in half or full duplex mod
> Could you provide the output from 'ifconfig' and 'route -n' on A, B and
> C? This is either a reverse DNS, duplex mismatch or routing problem.
> To see if your are full or half duplex, see if ifconfig reports any
> collisions on the eth interface - on full duplex you never get any
> collisions.
> If it takes a long time from you try to connect until it starts
> downloading, you have a DNS problem.
> If the download is incredibly slow and one or more of the network
> interfaces on A, B or C report a huge amount of collisions, you
> have a duplex problem.
> Routing problems usually result in not being able to connect at
> all, which doesn't seem to be the case here.
> --
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