On Thursday 23 January 2003 20:22, Mihai RUSU wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Jan 2003, Stef Coene wrote:
> > If it works, fine for you.  It's just not something I would advice :)
> > But why not delete the root qdisc and recreate it?
> >
> > Stef
> All started when we observed that in the meantime (the time between tc
> qdisc del and the time it takes to recreate the whole new tree) people's
> TCP connections speed increases very much, so its not very nice. We
> recreate the trees like 100 times a day so that can be a problem.
> So then we made the 2 trees system. While building the new tree the old
> one still "serves" packets and then we change by a simple tc filter
> change. As we observed there is still a small bandwidth increase (the
> classes are empty) but its very small compared to the other one.
> If you have another solution please say.
No, I havent'.



 "Using Linux as bandwidth manager"
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