On Tuesday 28 January 2003 21:20, Phil Doroff wrote:
> Okay, I'm having a complete brainfart here, I apologize for the stupidity
> of the question.  Just a bit tired.
> I have a customer on a shared box, who I gave a dedicated IP to.  I also
> have a router in between our uplink and him, and I need to apply a
> ratelimit (via htb) on his IP to 10mbit/sec.  I'd also like to do some fair
> queuing just so each connection gets an equal amount of bandwidth if it
> wants it (trying to stuff 35Mbit of big downloads into 10Mbit.. it's not
> going to be pretty).
> Unfortunately I cannot seem to figure out how to just ratelimit based on
> the source IP, rather than the interface itself.  Obviously ratelimiting
> our GigE interface to 10meg/sec globally for all customers would be a Very
> Bad(tm) thing to do. ;)
> I know other folk do this, so even just example scripts will give me all I
> need to get me jumpstarted.
I have some scripts/docs on www.docum.org.
Some tips : you can only shape outgoing traffic with htb (there is a imq 
device that you can be sued to use htb for incoming traffic).  For the htb 
setup, create 1 parent class of 1gigabit, 2 child classes : 10mbit for you 
custumor, 990mbit for the other traffic.  You can get some fairness if you 
add sfq qdisc to the classes.
I hope this help.



 "Using Linux as bandwidth manager"
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