i dont really see your reasoning here. of course my isp has no "control" of the data 
that other people is sending me, but if the
sending party could do egress filtering on their nearest router on the path to reach 
me, my isp should be able to do the same? 
the difference between my isp doing egress filtering and if i were to do egress 
filtering is that if the isp would do it, the data is
yet to enter the bottlneck in the path and could be buffred their. was this what you 


On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 06:22:04PM +0100, Stef Coene wrote:
> On Thursday 06 February 2003 18:11, Tomas Bonnedahl wrote:
> > hm, the only way i see how to really get a hold on downloads is egress
> > filtering on the isp side.
> Even that's too late.  The isp has no control on the data that people is 
> sending to you.
> > ingress filtering here is just waste of time? partly because, what stef
> > also said, the data is already reveived, so i can get the same effect with
> > egress filtering on the internal interface of the fw, and partly because
> > ingress filtering in linux is not well functioning?
> You can get the same effect.  And ingress shaing is works, but it's not so 
> powerfull.  
> Stef
> -- 
>  "Using Linux as bandwidth manager"
>      http://www.docum.org/
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