On Thursday 13 February 2003 17:00, Victor Cassar wrote:
> Thanks Stef
> Yep i missunderstood the quantum concept (it´s clear
> now), but since my voip class was configured with
> enough bw this doesn´t matter
> Reading more on docum.org, i find hte possible cause
> of the delays i was using sfq (128p queue) on the leaf
> i removed sfq from the voip class
> I will try also with other disciplines.. like tbf
> just to have a deeper understanding of queuing in real
> life applications
Tbf will not change nything.  Htb is acutally a tbf but with classes.

> Are there any recomendation on which queuing
> discipline to use with voip?
> (my stats show 100 bytes per packet average in voip)
Why not a simple fifo?  You can adapt the size of it from the command line.

> i´m doing more tests now and i´ll re re-read the full
> lartc. doc
Keep us informed.



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