On Friday 07 March 2003 18:15, Alexandra Alvarado wrote:
> Hello,
> I've tested removing de burst parameter in the htb config, and
> I have de next results: [Attached File]
> Is the HTB exact or not?
> Now I've changed bw to 448Kbps or 56KBps, but in the graph
> I have a maximum of 77.5KBps. Why???
I have no idea. Can you check out if any of the tokens/ctokens are < 0 for the 
1:1 class?  (tc -s -d class show dev eth1).
And can you try to download a big file and record the speed you get?

> PD:  I can't use monitor_tc.pl, because iptables chain doesn't work
> with PREROUTING : (
monitor_tc.pl uses the tc counters (remark the _tc in the name :)



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