On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, John covici wrote:

> Hi.  At the moment I have two high speed connections to the internet
> -- one somewhat faster than the other.  I was looking at the advanced
> router howto and created the tables, etc as specified in section 4.2
> of that document and changed my default route to a multipath route
> with weight 2 on the faster provider and weight 1 for the slower one.

> Then I went and downloaded a test file, but to my surprise I was
> getting a lower speed than with the default route to the faster
> provider.  Is there a better way to do this so it actually does me
> some good?

On your own, with 1 single test file, multipath routing not help. However,
it will help in providing more throughput when a lot of traffic is flowing
to and from different sites.

Think of it as a multiprocessing problem: if you have only one linear process,
there is nothing to multitask. If, however, you have a number of processes
they can be dealt with in parallel on the different processing chains
(uplinks, in this case), and the end result will be faster overall.

Doei, Arthur.

  /\    / |      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      | Work like you don't need the money
 /__\  /  | A friend is someone with whom | Love like you have never been hurt
/    \/__ | you can dare to be yourself   | Dance like there's nobody watching

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