On Monday 02 June 2003 12:35, TeraHz wrote:
> I wan to share internet to these 12 PCs. But my traffic control is not
> working. I'm using IP Masquerading to route internet to the LAN
> eth0 - LAN interface
> eth1 - Internet interface
<snipped a lot>

> I thing that this is wright but no!
> I've changed FORWARD with OUTUP. I tryed without specifying Interface ->
> still nothing.
> What is wrong?
> there is no filtration at all! Every packet is forwarded to the root
> class! You can guess what happens when someone from the LAN starts to
> dowload!
Check out with iptables -L -v -n -t mangle if the packets get marked.
And the mark and the classid are in hex.  So to be sure, write the mark as 
0x37 like
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -t mangle -p tcp -s -j MARK --
set-mark 0x34



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