Hey Joe,

One <possible> configuration is to configure your linux box as an ethernet bridge
between your client machines and the public router

| PC 1 |
|======|  \       |=======|             |========|
| PC 2 |---O------| LINUX |-------------| ROUTER |
|======|  /       |=======|             |========|
| PC 3 |

and then make use of the "WRR" qdisc to control the traffic.

There are obviously many other possibilities, but this is the method I am currently
testing, so I thought I would make you aware of it's existence.

The link for more info is http://wipl-wrr.sourceforge.net/


> Hello All,
> I have 1.5Mbits Backbone connection with 16 public ip address.
> I like to provide share my connection with someother my friends how will
> have public ip addess.
> So i wanted to configre linux router with bandwidth controll for my friends
> connection.
> Actully i tried with single interface in linux and CBQ but it does not
> controll.
> I should do not use NAT as my friends are running web servers.
> Is it possible to configure in linux.or some links to configure this
> Advance thanks
> Joe
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