Hello all

Another newbie here :)

I have a linux box setup with two NICs
eth0 is 100mbit internal lan (192.168.100.*)
eth1 is 10mbit internet

On the linux box there is a ftp server and web server.
I want to somehow priority the traffic from the internal lan
over any traffic that is on the ftp and web server.

I want to be able to have low ping with telnet/ssh/irc/web/ftp and various
online games (quake and such) and at the same time let the ftp/web server
take whatever bandwidth that is available when the local network isnt
using any bandwidth.

Is there anyone who could give me some pointers as where to start?
I have checked out some scripts for adsl connections but to me it
looks like they reserve bandwidth for ssh type of services and other
services is unable to use the spare bandwidth when that is unused.


Best regards,
 gatur                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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