I needed router that can do "bidirectional" shaping in interface. I'm 
using IMQ + TBF for that at the moment. One ethernet interface is 
connected to "backbone", other has many vlan's. Every vlan is 
"connected" to IMQ device. I have wrapper scripts for maintaining 
this stuff and it works like a charm.

But there is problem though - router can handle more, but I'm running 
out of IMQ devices. Default is 16 devices, but it is possible to 
change it in linux/include/imq.h. Theoretical maximum is 127. There 
is bug is imq module btw, it refuses to accept bigger number of 
numdevs argument than 99. But router really can handle more.

So, any ideas?

1) It is router, nothing more. No any services here.
2) Solution should be really simple because configuration changes 
really often.
3) Shaping "upload" only in backbone interface isn't solution.
4) No need for obvious "solutions" like - buy another box ;).


PS. I posted with wrong from address at first. Sorry if it would be 

Hasso Tepper
Elion Enterprises Ltd.
WAN administrator

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