On Monday 01 September 2003 11:55, Damjan wrote:
> I would like to give my customers a special 64/128 service.
> With this service you can:
>  - download at 64kbit/s all you like (unless...)
>  - you can have peaks up to 128kbit/s, but the peaks should not be longer
>  than (say) 5 minutes, and then, after that you will have to wait your
>  bucket to replenish in order to get the 64 commited rate.
> The point is the average should never be above 64kbits, burstable peaks
> are allowed for some time, but it hurts your service.
> I plan to implement this using HTB, since I'll have several customers,
> on one router, that will have this service...
> Can this be done?
> What parameters should I look for when setting HTB?
You can only do this with external monitoring and scripting.  You can set some 
burst parameters with htb, but they are only for small burst.  Not for big 
bursts like you want to do.



 "Using Linux as bandwidth manager"
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