--- Daniel Chemko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ################# Original Message:
> For this thread I'd like to FOCUS on rejecting bad traffic and not on
> dropping.  The first case I'd like to discuss is where all but a handful
> of public web sites are allowed for ought going connections.  A typical
> NAT setup is used where all the users sit behind a firewall, some have
> full access to the Internet but most have restricted access.  I'd also
> like to bring in other minds into the discussion, and not have it be a
> linux only problem.
> Here is the big deal.  A web page like www.nasdaq.com is considered
> valid, so traffic to it's IP is ACCEPTed.  However this
> site pulles content from an unknown group of other sites, unfortunately
> not ACCEPTed.  In the mean time untill all the sites can be added it's
> not proper to simply DROP these SYN packets.  This is where this
> concerns EVERYONE, the client software needs to get the right REJECT
> from the firewall.  Now How and When to use What type of reply becomes a
> big deal.
> I'd like to open this discussion up to every one who has 2 cents and/or
> another good use of REJECT vs DROP.  For my setup I have winblows
> computers running both IE and Netscape behind a generic firewall
> *Blush*.  The two types of REJECTs I have tested are "TCP RST" and ICMP
> (Port Unreachable), are there any others?
> This thread may be moved to another list where appropriate.
> ################# My 2 Cents:
> There are a few different ICMP rejections like admin,port,host,network,
> or something along those lines.
I was wondering what effect each cliant/OS combo would do when given each reply.  
Would network
unreachable for effect When(What program)/Where(What 

> As for blocking sites linked off a root site, I have brainstormed a few
> possible ideas.
> 1. Web site driven
I think DNS can be made to do this.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ host www.yahoo.com
;; Truncated, retrying in TCP mode.
www.yahoo.com is an alias for www.yahoo.akadns.net.
www.yahoo.akadns.net has address
www.yahoo.akadns.net has address
www.yahoo.akadns.net has address
www.yahoo.akadns.net has address
www.yahoo.akadns.net has address
www.yahoo.akadns.net has address
www.yahoo.akadns.net has address
www.yahoo.akadns.net has address

execpt something like related-www.yahoo.com?

> 2. Web crawler driven
> The second approach does not involve the target web site operators at
> all, so it is more feasible to set up something like this if you aren't
> in association with the sites you are allowing into yours. 
> The idea is to use a simple web crawler to grab all the links that are
> found on the target web site, and present them in a logical way for the
> local administrator to make a clear decision as to which affiliated
> sites they do and which sites they do not want through their firewall.
> Just like the previous solution, something has to load the gathered
> sites into the firewall.
> Pros:
> -Gives expected results
> Cons:
> -Requires more work for the administrator to filter the returned list
> -May not work on sites that don't play nice to web crawlers
> -May be difficult to implement
I thought about doing this, however I'd just perfer to do it manualy.  I was using 
`strace -e
trace=connect mozilla` :)  This seems to work the best, allong with tcpdump for SYNs.

> 3. Referred only
> A simple approach only allows one level of association in that as long
> as the originating site is in the referral entry of the http request,
> the connection is granted. This requires an iptables module or maybe the
> 'string' patch which isn't 100% reliable, but may be good enough.
> Pros:
> -Trivial implementation
> Cons:
> -Does not allow for sub-navigating into other allowable web sites
> -Process heavy string searching when many sites are included in the
> allow list
Thought it would work against a casual office user, it could be hacked.

> Are there any opinions from those of you in the Netfilter ML?

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