Ya, i already use linux+iproute2+tc.The shaping is fine but not with the

I already read a lot of docs but can't found the same case so if you have
appropriate document links, i will be glad to read that... :)

Yeah...abt cisco i hope they hear that too :))

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Kristiadi Himawan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "lartc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 1:55 AM
Subject: Re: [LARTC] Htb on trunked line

> On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 06:41, Kristiadi Himawan wrote:
> > Dear All,
> >
> > I have configuration like this :
> >
> > DVB     Modem
> > |                |                                 ___Link A
> > \               /     trunk                    /
> > CiscoRouter ------------CiscoSwitch-------Link B
> >                                                  \___
> >                                                         Link C
> >
> > Now i want to put a linux bandwith manager using htb to controll Link
> > A-C bandwith,
> > but i don't know where to put the linux pc.
> > I ever try to put the linux pc at the trunked line between CiscoRouter
> > and CiscoSwitch but found that all traffic always go to default class
> > not to appropriate class
> > and i think that's because of VLAN 802.1Q data format at that line so
> > the filter always miss.
> >
> > Any suggestion abt this kind of configuration?
> remove all the cisco equipment and replace with Linux..  8-)
> Linux+iproute2+tc will easily do what you ask, and the cisco will not.
> The answer is that simple.
> I wish there was a nice GUI config for this, but there is not, and it is
> very complicated for me to make.
> I see your earlier question about "how to make this in Linux", and I
> would suggest you replace your VLAN config with a new Linux IPRoute2+tc
> config.  There will be a lot of reading for you to do, however.  8-/
> Google for "policy routing" and read about policy routing theory.
> I think cisco should be very concerned about the day that Linux
> IPRoute2+tc has a GUI...  Perhaps, after that day cisco will suddenly
> design routers that will run Linux.  8-))
> best regards,
> Steve
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