On Tuesday 07 October 2003 21:55, John Klingler wrote:
>   If anyone is interested, in my quest for a networking solution which
> provides IP Failover on heterogenous redundant networks, I have listed
> the solutions I found below. I would welcome comments from anyone who is
> familiar with these.
>    1. faild - I have included a description below of a program daemon
>       which monitors the Ethernet connections and changes the routing
>       tables when a failure is detected. IP Failover is all this simple
>       program does. Being simple, however, makes it small and easy to port.
>    2. High Availability Linux Project (HAL) (http://linux-ha.org/) has
>       code available for FreeBsd and Solaris (and probably reasonably
>       portably to other UNIX platforms. It supports virtual (redundant)
>       servers but could probably therefore be configured to support
>       redundant LANs.
>    3. Advanced Network Services (ANS 2.3.x) for Linux* Operating
>       Systems.  which is available from Intel on both PCs and UNIX OS's.
>       ANS provides IP Failover and much more, such as switch failover,
>       load leveling, etc. See:
> http://www.intel.com/support/network/adapter/onlineguide/PRO1000/DOCS/SERVE
>    4. Linux Virtual Server Project (LVS) - VRRPD, Virtual Router
>       Redundancy Protocol (http://off.net/~jme/vrrpd/) which also
>       provides IP Failover. It implements RFC2338 but is only available
>       on Linux but may be portable. As with HAL, it is probably
>       configureable to provide redundant LAN.
If I was you, I should go for keepalived.  This is part of LVS but you can 
also use it just for the ip Failover.  Companies like IBM, RH, are using this 
so I think it can be trusted.

"In addition, it implements a VRRPv2 stack to handle director failover. "


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