On Thursday 09 October 2003 09:02, Phill wrote:
> Oh, I am sorry, I knew that, it's jsut that I was playing with the numbers
> and I didn't check the sums.
> I know how to shape traffic coming from different users,
> ..protocol ip dst IP...etc, And I know how to shape traffic
> from each service. I just don't know how to glue them together.
> So what abou this? The point is that I want to be able to shape
> both the services and the IPs.
> root(128/128)
> +IP1(32/128)-----WWW(20/128)
> |            +---Default(10/128)
> |            +---P2P(1/64)
> |            +---...
> +IP2(32/64)------WWW(20/64)
> |            +---Default(10/64)
> |            +---P2P(1/64)
> |            +---...
> +IP3(32/64)--....
> ...
You need a set of filters attached to the root qdisc so the traffic for the 
different IP's are placed in the IPx class.  Then you need a second set of 
filters attached to the IPx classes and redirect all traffic to the different 
sub classes.


 "Using Linux as bandwidth manager"
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