
I have a LINUX server with two internet connections available. One
connection is the default route. I want all the traffic to go over
this default route, but HTTP traffic to go over line #2. I think the
configuration should be similar to source policy routing. I have tried
source policy routing when I had to route one local computer via
second ISP link. But now, as I understand, I need to mark the packets
with destination port 80 and route them via the second ISP link. I
have tried to put marking rules:

echo 200 isp2 >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables

iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j MARK
--set-mark 1

ip rule add fwmark 1 table isp2

ip route add default via dev eth1 table isp2

But it doesn't work for me. The #2 line is connected to the same
Ethernet card as LAN, perhaps this is the bug ??? But if I use a rule:

ip rule from table isp2

, it works OK: local computer comes out to the internet
via ISP2 line. But I can't reach the same situation with IPTABLES/MARK
IP RULE FWMARK tools... :(

I would be very grateful if you gave me as much information as
possible about my problem.

   Rokas Zakarevicius

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