On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 09:59:18 +1000, "Damion de Soto"
> > i have 2 links to the ISP of 128kbit each, and i want to balance the
> > trafic between them, but not staticly (local ip1-5 throw isp1, and the
> > rest to isp2). I though at a ingress clasification, then routing by the
> > mark, and at the exit nat (yes i must do nat :(((, but the clasification
> > must be flow based, and i dont know how to do it.
> If certain IPs are always going through the same link, then you don't
> really want 
> load balancing at all.
> Don't you just want routing rules that say local ip1-5 always go through
> one gateway 
> (isp1), and the default route is isp2 for everyone else?
> Or did I misunderstand?

yes, you did, the 2 links are "practicaly" at the same isp, and i will
gain nothing if i do shortest_path routing

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