> I tried to set shaper on my local lan with HTB and rate 60mbit
> I used linux-2.4.22 and tried with 2.4.23rc1 - all QoS and HTB related
> staff compiled like modules. In both kernels the rate did not reach
> more than 30mbit( 3MB/sec )
> When I delete shaper I can reach 9MB/sec ( about 74mbit )
> if I set shaper more than 25mbit the speed did not increase :)
> I tried this with kernel 2.6.test9 and everything is OK shaper works
> on 60mbit - so I think this is problem of the current kernel
> Any ideas ? :)

Well there are two new things I can think of in 2.6 vs 2.4.
One is that the HZ constant is bigger which peraps can make latencies in
the kernel smaller... but I don't know if HZ has any influence on HTB
Also 2.6 has NAPI, a new API for network card drivers that modifies the
drivers behaviour to better reflect the usage. Its interupt driven on
lighter loads, but "poll"-ing based on higher load.

Anyway you can run 2.6 its not that bad.

Damjan Georgievski
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