Hi, and good evening,

  I encountered a quite weird problem yersterday evening, and I wonder
if someone can explain the way of it. Anyway, there is goes :

 I have a client running two separate networks, NET-A ( and
NET-B ( and two providers P-A, with gateway and
P-B with gateway Now, as for the hardware part of it, there
is one linux router hosting 4 ethernet cards on it, each connection
having its on ethernet device, something like this :

                                           +-------------+ P-A
                                      eth0 |
                       eth2 |     if1      |                      
               NET-A -------+              |                      
                            | Linux router |                        
                       eth3 |              |                      
               NET-B -------+     if2      |                      
                            |              |
                                      eth1 |    
                                           +-------------+ P-B

 Hope you get the idea. As for the configuration, what I did was :
 setup 2 new routing tables, for P-A, and P-B, added the default gws to
those tables, and setup 2 snat rules for the two networks in order to
get each of them out on a separate provider. That does not seem to work,
and I wonder if anyone has any idea why.

  Excuse me for the large email, and thankyou for your patience :)

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