On Tuesday, 09 December 2003, at 16:01:44 -0600,
Viaris wrote:

> The university is like a  ISP to give access to Internet to several
> faculties, but we want to restrict the traffic, we needed a traffic shaper
> to do this, I wanted to have something like (Packeteer INTEL NETSTRUCTURE
> 7370 aplication server) which it is a bridge where I not need IP for my
> networks cards.
First, don't try to compare a high-end product from Packeteer to what
you are able to achieve with Linux + iptables + tc + l7-filter + brctl +
ebtables + whatnot. Maybe hacking these and some more utilities together
you can get something similar to the commercial product, but maybe you
should take into account some other things apart from "technically feasible".

A recent Linux kernel compiled with bridge support, patched and compiled with 
with ebtables (iptables for bridges), plus ip/tc, plus userspace
ebtables, plus l7-filter, plus quite a bit of configuration, plus a
good and fasta hardware, plus many spare hours to configure and maintain
everything is all what you need.

Try to be more specific, although the feature in Packeteer's products of
behave transparently when the box fails is not something you can do with
Linux, as far as I know.


Jose Luis Domingo Lopez
Linux Registered User #189436     Debian Linux Sid (Linux 2.6.0-test10-mm1)
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