On Wednesday 10 December 2003 10:57, Ben Efros wrote:
> The answer is in your own email
> > > Patch against
> > > 2.4.23 and 2.6.0-test10 is here

Thank you but I was asking for a good reason: The only significant change in 
the patch itself is commented as follows:

+       /* This line used to be after htb_destroy_class call below
+          and surprisingly it worked in 2.4. But it must precede it 
+          because filter need its target class alive to be able to call
+          unbind_filter on it (without Oops). */
+       htb_destroy_filters(&q->filter_list);

Therefore I wanted to know whether the Ooopses fixed by the patch are known to 
be possible with 2.4 as well or not. I am currently trying to find the cause 
for very rare hangups (about once in two months) on a production server which 
heavily uses htb.

Anyone with first-hand experience?

Best regards,

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