On Monday 05 January 2004 09:18, hare ram wrote:
> Hi Stef
> what happend if already existing people on the class
> so in the short gap time when we delete and add the rule,
> is the session will be disconects ?
I don't know, but I don't think so.  The state of the connections exists in 
kernel space and not in "tc" space.  Tc only sees packets.

> they will get maximum available throughput, when we remove and add, since
> the IP no more belong to any class
That only takes a few micro seconds, so I don't bother.

> but when i re-run the script, they going to same marked and kept in the
> same class, is this right
If you use the fw filter + iptables, yes.

> what happend if so many class like 1000 rules...
I only execute the tc scripts when my router boots or if I changed something.  
So not evey second.


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