Witaj Raúl,

W Twoim liście datowanym 14 stycznia 2004 (10:35:01) można przeczytać:

RABS> El Martes, 13 de Enero de 2004 19:36, Robert Kurjata escribió:
>> For the start read my posting from 15th Oct 03 as an working example.

RABS>  I have just a question about your script (I found it on the archives)...

RABS> I have 3 DSL lines, linke you, but all of them are conected to a switch and
RABS> then to my eth1 interface on wich I have 3 public ip's and 2 public ip's
RABS> ranges, let me try to draw it.

RABS>                                         DMZ Zone
RABS>                                               |
RABS>                                           eth3
RABS> DSL1\                                   |
RABS> DSL2 - - Switch - eth1 [Linux Box] - eth0 -Switch - LAN
RABS> DSL3 /                                  |
RABS>                                            eth2
RABS>                                               |
RABS>                                           LDMS

RABS> What I need is to send all SMTP/POP3 traffic throught DSL1, and the rest of
RABS> traffict througth a load balancing between DSL2 and  DSL3 giving preference
RABS> on DSL3 over DSL2 (moreover because DSL3 it's a 2Mbits simetric line with the
RABS> local cable company, and DSL2 it's a ADSL 256Kbit), but if DSL1 fails, the
RABS> SMTP/POP3 traffic should go out by any of the other interfaces, also if DSL2
RABS> or DLS3 get out, rest of traffic should go by DSL1.
RABS> The LDMS link its used only for IPSec tunnels and should never be user for
RABS> nomal traffic.

DSL1 ->> ADSL 256 with a /30 public range on the ethernet side.
DSL2 ->> ADSL 256 in bridge mode, so I have it's public IP on my side.
DSL3 ->> Cable 2Mbit with a /30 public range on the ethernet side.

RABS> By now I only have setup a simple link with it's gateway using DSL1 for all
RABS> traffic, and I'm been unable to do that if a ssh conection (for example)
RABS> reach eth1 by DSL3 or reach eth2 by LDMS and get answered by the same link.

Multipath with load balancing is in my script. If you use it (just try
to adopt to 3 links) your host will be reachable at all adresses.
Adding special rules with firewall mark and dedicated routing tables
for classified traffic will give you what you want.

But later you will have a problem when you go to the traffic shaping
(and I thing sooner or later you will) TC does not accept aliases on
interfaces :(

RABS> May someone give me a hit on what I'm doing wrong or what must I do to get it
RABS> working.

RABS> Best regards
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