
I've been experimenting with ip route for the last few days to get load sharing accross 2 providers working. While it works most of the time, on a few occasions, packets are routed to the wrong interface.
I'm not sure to understand rules and routes traversal correctly (I couldn't find answers in the howto). So, here are my questions:

1. How does the rule traversal work exactly? If I have rules like this:
100: from all lookup provider1
200: from all lookup provider2
What does make stop the traversal? For instance, does a default route in provider1 would stop the traversal?

2. are tables entirely separated? Say, if you have this:
100: from all lookup table_part1
200: from all lookup table_part2
and table_part1 contains the route for a provider and table_part2 contains the default route statement for this provider. Obviously, both tables would be checked. But once in table_part2, would the default route work with what was defined in table_part1 or are routes "forgotten" from table to table?

I'm pretty new to all this stuff. So, this may sound like stupid questions but I couldn't find the answers in the howto nor the man pages.

Thanks in advance.

Raphael Benedet

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