> Previously, I simply allotted them 2Mbit (there are about 100 users,
> some full-time users, most not), and did a number of prioritizations to
> improve responsiveness.  I used HTB and attached ESFQ qdiscs to evenly
> distribute bandwidth based on IP, rather than per-session.  This worked
> quite well until recently, where the number of users has increased and
> demand has gone up.

I solved that problem by measuring all clients, and give them optional
average individual bandwidth.

The bandwidth is calculated between different part of day /eg. 8-16, 16-24,
24-8 / and is increased or decreased by individual algorithm for each user

All the work with network-coordination, user-problem-reporting,
managing-and-controll, devices-location-access-controll, dhcp-dns-etc,
/somehow CRM for ISP / does my application called SuperEdit. It works in
company with 3000 PC's over LAN's .
you can read about it /sorry for large .jpgs/ at
http://nsm.pl/~arek/superedit . I have a version of that in english.

Access is via www and/or with telnet/ssh - together/the_same_options

http://nsm.pl/~arek/superedit/superedit-software-10.jpg - you see brief
list of user with problems

-12.jpg - you see some of user fields, which we can edit, you see traffic
report collected for that user from network. You see that we set there
external ports, external IP addresses. Linux router can be anywhere, he is
learning of that DB via special written by me bash Agent.

Browse this site /download images/ then you can learn a lot.

I can share my project in special cases.

It is tested, and working / i organized a medium copany on it/ They have
only this programm and billing program /which i intend to swap him soon

Arkadiusz Binder

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