We have been using HTB for last 10-11 months without any problem. But from last few days we have been facing huge packet loss when we turn on traffic shaping using HTB. I upgraded to 2.4.24 kernel (without any htb patch), still there is same problem.
Avg. traffic is around 2Mbps and 4Mbps at peak hours. There are around 110 HTB classes and SFQ attached to each class.
We are using 4 port Tulip (only 2 ports in use) card and a 3Com 59x card.
Previously  I was using default quantum and r2q values for all the classes.
Somewhere I saw quantum = (link in Kbit) * 1024 / ( 8 * 1500) so I tried by increasing the qntm. value of the main class (and other classes with rate above 512K) still there is no improvement.
tc qdisc add dev eth2 root handle 3: htb default 256
tc class add dev eth2 parent 3: classid 3:1 htb quantum 786 rate 9mbit ceil 9mbit  (this is the main class)
These rules are to shape client b/w. There are more 100 rules like this.
tc class add dev eth2  parent 3:1 classid 3:11 htb quantum 10 rate 64kbit ceil 64kbit
tc class add dev eth0  parent 1:1 classid 1:11 htb quantum 10 rate 64kbit ceil 64kbit

iptables  -t mangle -A FORWARD  -s   -j MARK --set-mark 11
iptables  -t mangle -A FORWARD  -s   -j MARK --set-mark 11
tc filter add dev eth2 protocol ip parent  3: prio 5 handle 11 fw classid 3:11
tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent  1: prio 5 handle 11 fw classid 1:11
tc qdisc add dev  eth2  parent 3:11 sfq perturb 10
tc qdisc add dev  eth0  parent 1:11 sfq perturb 10
I'm not able to find out what the problem is. For backup I'm thinking to switch to FreeBSD. I'll be glad to read your suggestions.
Thanks to everyone.
with regards,
Birkant Neupane

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