thnx for replying.
i've heard of ipt_p2p, and after a quick look at it decided i'd have to take
a much longer look at it :)

to tell the truth i'm not too worried about just limiting BT
The main issue comes with the bit i don't think i made clear in the post....
the reason i limit eth0 is because i've got a router + modem in one that
every machine connects thru.
The linux box is the web/file/ftp/jabber etc. server, the rest have basic
web access for browsing etc.
everything in the lan I want running at lan speeds (100 mbit).
so i capped eth0 at that.
then i just need a rule to limit all outbound traffic off the linux box to
about 23kbps so there's a k or 2 overhead on the line to let the other boxes
browse ok, maybe giving ftp and http priority over everything else.
hope that makes better sense.

> I don't think filtering on the BT ports will always work as you can
> still run it without opening them, in that case the connections get set
> up by the tracker and may not contain the normal ports. There are ways
> of filtering BT see the p2p filter type projects on http://sf.net .
> BT is also slightly harder to control as it uses full duplex tcp.
> It may also be errors/omissions in the script/filter rules eg. I can't
> see why you set eth limits (CBQ?).
> Andy.

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