Hi, I'm sorry for not being able to be really polite this time, but:

Roy, can you please STOP telling that egress crashs IMQ!?

We've discussed it lots of times before, here and at linuximq mailling list and the only known functionality that crashs IMQ (oriinal) is to touch local generated traffic...

I've being using ingress+egress with IMQ in a server with a great amouunt of traffic, for a long period without any crashs.

Please don't keep telling something known to be wrong or otherwise proove it so we can fix it...



Roy wrote:
'"'But this stability is probably not because my code is better but


I don't use egress shaping so the crash reasons still unknown.'"'

I need both ingress and egress traffic shaping, that's why I used the classic IMQ version.

Egress shaping will crash original wersion even faster then mine, they both can do this , but then both will likely crash anyway you can do egress shaping on interface directly, and input+forward on imq device.

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