On Monday 24 May 2004 10:24, Andreas Klauer wrote:
> > or perhaps even an snmp module that
> > would present them as interfaces to be polled
> I don't use snmp myself, but I think Jason Boxman (in #lartc on oftc.net)
> does some kind of monitoring that way. Maybe you could try asking him. ;-)


Mentioned back in December on this list, I have been playing with an Net-SNMP 
extension[1].  Not being much of an RRDTool person, I setup a Perl script 
that uses Net::SNMP that is callable by Munin[2] to update an RRDTool 
database every five minutes.  (Is that too little resolution?)

[1] http://x-ray.prokon.cz/data/snmp/
[2] http://www.linpro.no/projects/munin/

I have been tracking qosBps as a GAUGE value, since deleting the root qdisc 
and recreating it results in qosBytes being erased.  Does anyone have a 
preferred way of obtaining the rate information?  I imagine it should be 
converted to bits?  Any other hints for producing useful graphs with RRDTool 
for traffic shaping statistics?

(Mine are rather bland... Bulk is full 95% of the time and there are only four 
classes, all sampled as GAUGE at a five minute resolution...)

> Andreas


Jason Boxman
Perl Programmer / *NIX Systems Administrator
Shimberg Center for Affordable Housing | University of Florida
http://edseek.com/ - Linux and FOSS stuff

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