Hi everybody! I know this discussion list isnīt just about wondershaper, but i think someone can help me.
I used to have a linux box running red hat 8, as firewall on my lan. I upgraded to debian 3.0 and tried to use the same wondershaper files under debian, but, when i run wondershaper on ppp0 device, it just stops transfering. Remember: its the same files i used with success under red hat 8.
The only difference in the connection between red hat 8 and debian 3 is that under rh8 i used rp-pppoe and under debian i use the default pppoe dialer.
I donīt get any error message. What can be wrong?
I am using:
P166Mhz 32MB Ram
debian 3.0 (only console)
kernel 2.4.18
iptables v1.2.6a
Tks in advance and sorry my english.
Fernando Favero

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