Hi, Martin.

which is your experience with frottle ?

Which is your external AP ?

Can you post your frottle configure files ?



-> Hi,
-> I'm trying to configure IMQ to work on the same machine with frottle
-> (http://frottle.sourceforge.net). The problem is both feed themselves
-> packets through netfilter queueing mechanism, but currently there can
-> only be one netfilter queue per protocol family.
-> To explain why I need IMQ in the first place I have to explain what
-> frottle does. It is a deamon that tweaks the behaviour of a wireless
-> network (overcoming some CSMA/CA traps that reduce performance in
-> certain cases like  hidden-node effect for example). For frottle to be
-> effective it needs to control the outgoing traffic sent to the wireless
-> network device. In my case it is an external AP with ethernet
-> connection.
-> So, my router has 3 NICs - one for WAN access, one for the wireless AP
-> (that is connected to a distant AP, that servers other wired users), and
-> one for users connected through wired LAN.
-> Currently LAN NICs (the frottle one and the wired LAN) are put in a
-> bridge, which altogether makes the whole LAN a flat one.
-> Now about IMQ - there are users on the wireless and on the wired LAN
-> that share a common internet connection. To be able to serve them in a
-> predetermined, controlled fashion I want to put all traffic that goes
-> out of eighter LAN NIC into IMQ device and impose QoS policy on top of
-> it. This will allow to use in the most efficient manner all available
-> WAN bandwidth.
-> Is there any patch for 2.4.x kernel that allows multiple (cascading)
-> queuing ? Is this limitation exists in 2.6 kernel ?
-> Thanks
-> M. Stavrev
-> P.S. I know I can easily solve my problems by using two linux boxes -
-> one for frottle and one for the internet shaping, still my question
-> remains, any ideas would be appreciated.
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